A great start to the year for our squad! Impressive performances from the whole team at the GTI English Open today. We’re very proud!
Our 14 competitors brought home 18 medals: 4 gold, 9 silver & 5 bronze!
Well done also to Ethan, who fought really well and won several fights, only just missing out on a medal.
Great work, everyone! And thank you to our awesome coaches and supporters who kept the team going all day
RESULTS: 2024 GTI English Open
Eoin Carney | BRONZE Sparring |
Toby Kalecki | SILVERΒ Sparring |
Olly Kruk | GOLDΒ Sparring |
Dominik Kruk | SILVERΒ Sparring BRONZEΒ Patterns |
Tess Wyke | GOLDΒ Sparring |
Kaden Springer | BRONZE Sparring |
Nikola Kliza | SILVER Sparring |
Eloise Williams | GOLDΒ Sparring BRONZEΒ Patterns |
Olly Gargan | GOLDΒ Sparring SILVERΒ Patterns |
Owen Gargan | SILVERΒ Patterns SILVERΒ Sparring |
Jake Kayll | SILVERΒ Sparring |
Connor Murphy | SILVER Sparring |
Stef Davies | SILVERΒ Sparring BRONZEΒ Patterns |