2019 GTI National Open: Results

The 2019 GTI National Open was held in Cheltenham on 22nd September. Seven of our North West Spirit Taekwondo fighters competed against some tough opposition, and they all did us proud!

Our 7 fighters won 9 medals: 6 gold and 3 bronze! 

Special congratulations to brothers Owen and Olly Gargan, who both fought extremely well to take gold in their junior sparring divisions.

Thank you to everyone who helped with coaching and supporting our team!  

RESULTS: 2019 GTI National Open

Athika KadarGOLD Sparring
BRONZE Patterns
Callum EdwardsGOLD Patterns
GOLD Sparring
Connor MurphyBRONZE Sparring
Olly GarganGOLD Sparring
Owen GarganGOLD Sparring
Stef DaviesGOLD Sparring
BRONZE Patterns