Just a few updates for you!
>>> Pad work & sparring are back!
Thank you for your patience while we’ve been getting to grips with the ever-changing government guidance! We’ve just updated our COVID-19 Implementation Plan; please have a read and check that you’re happy with the measures we have in place. The main changes include:
- Pad work and sparring are now permitted for under 18s; although students must be grouped into ‘training bubbles’ of no more than 15 people (these bubbles will be coordinated by the club)
- Students aged 18 & over are currently permitted to train with 2m distancing in place (no contact permitted with others, unless from same household).
If you have any questions or concerns about these changes, please get in touch.
>>> Classes for June 2021
Classes for June will be available to book online this Wednesday 26th May. Book via our website here.
>>> Merchandise Orders
We’ll be placing equipment and merchandise orders at the end of the month, so please let us know if you need any kick pads, uniforms, t-shirts, hoodies, etc. Please take a look at our catalogue to see what’s available.
The deadline for this month’s orders is Saturday 29th May (payment required at time of order).
>>> Events
Now that restrictions are easing, there are various events being planned, including tournaments! Please check out our Events page for more information.
Coming up in the next few months:
- Sunday 11th July – LTSI Taekwondo Pure tournament (black belts only), Hatfield.
- Sunday 18th July – GTI Umpires & Referees Course (open to red belts & above, aged 16+), Shrewsbury. Please register to attend by completing this form.
- Sunday 12th September – GTI National Open tournament, Cheltenham.
- Sunday 10th October – GTI Black Belt Grading, Derby.
The next colour belt grading date is still to be confirmed, but is likely to be on a Saturday in September.
That’s all for now. Please let us know if you have any questions.