With COVID-19 restrictions being eased on Monday 19th July, we will finally be able to return to “normal” training! We’re excited to resume our usual activities, but will be doing so cautiously.
So, what’s changing?
Personal assessment & responsibility
It is important to recognise that, despite the easing of restrictions, COVID-19 has not ceased to exist. In fact, cases are currently increasing; and the Liverpool City Region is one of several areas in which the Delta variant is spreading fastest. By mixing with others in any setting, there is a risk of contracting the virus – even if you have been fully vaccinated.
We ask that each of you please take personal responsibility for keeping yourselves and others safe. If you feel unwell, have any symptoms, have recently been in close contact with a positive case, or have been advised to isolate by Test & Trace, please do not attend training. Protect yourselves, your loved ones and your team mates by doing the following:
- Test yourself for COVID twice weekly (order home test kits here for FREE).
- Get vaccinated as soon as possible if you are eligible (further information here).
- Continue to wear face coverings in crowded areas outside of the club (masks are not required when training).
Distancing/class limits
Social distancing, training bubbles and class size limits will no longer be required.
There are no longer any restrictions on taekwondo activities, so all students will be able to participate in pad work, sparring and everything else!
Class booking & payment
Online booking and payment will no longer be required. Please just turn up when you like and pay cash on the day! (Note: If you’re in credit, we’ve kept a record so you can still put it towards your class payments.)
Class timetable
Starting next week (on 24th July), Saturday classes will go back to the pre-COVID schedule:
– 9.30am to 10.30am – Red & Black Belts
– 10.30am to 12.30pm – Fitness & Sparring (for all ages/grades).
Students are welcome to just do an hour of the Fitness and Sparring class if preferred.
Weekday classes (Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays) will remain at 6.30pm for juniors and 7.30pm for seniors.
One safety measure we’ll be keeping for now is limiting spectators. If there are fewer people in the room, the risk of transmission will be lower. We’ll only be allowing spectators at our discretion and in certain circumstances; for example, when new students want to watch a class before joining in.
New students
We’ll be accepting new students from Monday 26th July.
Assistant & junior coaches
If any of our assistant and junior coaches are willing and able to help with the weekday junior classes, it would be very much appreciated. Assistance in the junior class will be repaid with free training in the senior class
Safety measures
We will continue to:
– Open windows and doors to keep the training area well ventilated
– Clean equipment before each class
– Have hand sanitiser and disinfectant wipes available for students’ use
– Display our NHS QR code for those wishing to check in using the app.
We know that some of you may be concerned about returning to training, and we totally understand. I, personally, will be keeping myself distanced from others until I’m fully vaccinated. If you’re feeling anxious or concerned, or if you’re vulnerable/have vulnerable close contacts, please get in touch. We can discuss keeping you distanced from others, or other means of support to help you get back to training.
In other news, we have several dates in the diary for upcoming gradings and tournaments, so please check out our Events page for more information.
Again, if you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch.