
GTI Officials Course

GTI Umpires and Referees qualification course for red belts and above aged 16+ and blue belts aged 18+ (students aged 14+ may be referred by their instructor in exceptional circumstances).

Now FREE to GTI members!

Refresher course: suitable for all qualified umpires and referees in readiness for our upcoming tournaments. If you want to learn more about how to support tournament administration, then this event is for you too!

Please see your Instructor to secure your place.


2025 GTI North West Open


Sunday 30th March: GTI North West Open
Venue Greenbank Sports Academy, Greenbank Lane, Liverpool, L17 1AG
Start time Doors open 09:00.
Tournament starts 09:30.
Entry fee £25 for GTI members; £30 for non-GTI. Spectators FREE!
Eligibility Open to all licenced students graded 9th kup (yellow stripe) and above
Events Patterns
Point stop sparring for yellow/green belt juniors
Continuous sparring for all other juniors and adults
Tag team sparring (juniors only; 3-person team; register and pay on the day £15)
How to enter Online entry – link to be confirmed
Further info & rules