
GTI Black Belt Patterns Seminar

Open to all GTI 1st Kup (Black Stripes) and GTI Dan grade students.


Dress code: white doboks and belts. Please bring your own drinks/packed lunch (as appropriate).


Cost for one session £15. Cost for double session £20.


Session One: 11am to 1pm

1st kups – colour belt patterns

1st to 2nd Dan – Kwang Gae | Po Eun | Gae Baek

2nd to 3rd Dan – Eui-Am | Choong Jang |Ko Dang


Session Two: 1pm to 3pm

3rd to 4th Dan – Sam Il | Yoo Sin | Choi-Yong

4th to 5th Dan – Ul Ji | Moon Moo | So-San

5th to 6th Dan – Yong-Gae | Se-Jong | Tong-Il

April 2019 Black Belt Grading

We have the absolute pleasure of announcing the promotion of one of our junior students to the rank of Black Belt! CONGRATULATIONS to Joseph McGhee, 1st Dan!

10-year-old Joe has trained with us since 2014, and has trained especially hard over the last 6 months in preparation for the GTI Black Belt Grading on 14th April. We’re extremely pleased and proud that his hard work and determination have paid off!

Well done, Joe! Great work.