Open to all GTI 1st Kup (Black Stripes) and GTI Dan grade students.
Dress code: white doboks and belts. Please bring your own drinks/packed lunch (as appropriate).
Cost for one session £15. Cost for double session £20.
Session One: 11am to 1pm
1st kups – colour belt patterns
1st to 2nd Dan – Kwang Gae | Po Eun | Gae Baek
2nd to 3rd Dan – Eui-Am | Choong Jang |Ko Dang
Session Two: 1pm to 3pm
3rd to 4th Dan – Sam Il | Yoo Sin | Choi-Yong
4th to 5th Dan – Ul Ji | Moon Moo | So-San
5th to 6th Dan – Yong-Gae | Se-Jong | Tong-Il