Well done to our fighters for a great effort at the GTI English Open! The tournament was held on Sunday 27th January in Cheltenham. The standard of competition was very high, but our team of 6 stepped up to the challenge, winning 6 medals: 4 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze!Β
Little Olly Gargan was the smallest in his division, but he got stuck in against the bigger boys and came away with a well-deserved bronze medal.
Nikola Kliza dominated both her patterns and sparring events, earning two gold medals to become double English Champion.
Alan Johnson gave an impressive performance in his sparring category, pushing his opponents hard to take the gold medal (and a yellow card, but we won’t talk about that…!).
Callum Edwards faced some serious competition in the black belt patterns division, but impressed the judges with his strong performance and was awarded the gold medal. In sparring, he fought in the division above his own and challenged himself by taking on the taller lads. He held his own for several rounds, only losing out in the final to a tough and talented fighter, who was also several years older.
Owen Gargan and Connor Murphy gave solid performances against some tough competition in their patterns and sparring divisions. No medals this time, but a great effort from them both nevertheless.
Well done to the whole team on a great start to the year’s tournaments! Keep it up!
Olly Gargan | BRONZE Sparring |
Nikola Kliza | GOLD Patterns GOLD Sparring |
Alan Johnson | GOLD Sparring |
Callum Edwards | GOLD Patterns SILVER Sparring |