2023 GTI British Open: Results

Great work from our team today at the final tournament of the year, the GTI British Open! 

There was lots of tough opposition, but our students got stuck in and gave performances to be proud of. Our 14 competitors won 16 medals: 5 gold, 6 silver & 5 bronze! 👊

A special mention also goes to Toby, who did really well in his first ever competition! And to Paul, who fought really well but was unfortunately unable to continue due to injury 👏

Well done, team! 💪

RESULTS: 2023 GTI British Open

Olly KrukBRONZE Sparring
Alin ManolescuBRONZE Sparring
Dominik KrukBRONZE Sparring
Kaden SpringerSILVER Sparring
Nikola KlizaSILVER Sparring
Eloise WilliamsSILVER Patterns
BRONZE Sparring
Olly GarganGOLD Sparring
GOLD Patterns
Owen GarganSILVER Patterns
BRONZE Sparring
Jack HarrisonGOLD Sparring
Jake KayllGOLD Patterns
Connor MurphySILVER Sparring
Stef DaviesGOLD Sparring
SILVER Patterns