Hinckley Leisure Centre, Argents Mead, Hinckley, LE10 1BZ
Start time
Doors open 09.00am. Event starts 09.30am.
Entry fee
£25. Spectators FREE!
Open to all licenced students graded 9th kup (yellow stripe) and above
Point stop sparring for yellow/green belt juniors
Continuous sparring for all other juniors and adults
Destruction for blue/red/black belt adults only
How to enter
Pick up an entry form in class or download here, and return to your instructor by Wednesday 17th January.
Leisure @ Cheltenham, Tommy Taylors Lane, Cheltenham, GL50 4RN
Start time
Entry fee
£25. Spectators FREE!
Open to all licenced students graded 9th kup (yellow stripe) and above
Point stop sparring for yellow/green belt juniors
Continuous sparring for all other juniors and adults
Destruction for blue/red/black belt adults only
How to enter
Pick up an entry form in class and return to your instructor by Saturday 25th November.
Well done to our tournament team on another successful competition! 5 gold, 4 silver and 1 bronze medals were won at the ITC Southern Open last weekend!
Well done to everyone who took part. And thanks to Connor for stepping up to coach.
The 2020 PUMA International Open was held in Swindon on 8th February. It was a tough competition, but all seven of our fighters made it to the podium for medals. The final haul was 11 medals: 1 gold, 4 silver & 6 bronze!
Well done, everyone!
Thank you to everyone who helped with coaching and supporting the team!
The 2020 GTI English Open was held in Cheltenham on 26th January. Our Tournament Team got the year off to a great start, with our seven fighters winning seven medals: 6 gold and 1 bronze!
Well done, team!
Congratulations also to Callum Edwards and Stef Davies, who were awarded the GTI Black Belt Competitor of Year trophies for the 2018-19 tournament season. Eight awards are presented each season, and we’re proud to see four of these go to our club members this year! Callum won awards for Boys Patterns and Boys Sparring; while Stef won awards for Ladies Patterns and Ladies Sparring.
Thank you to everyone who helped with officiating, coaching and supporting!
The 2019 World ITF Taekwondo Championships were held in Wishaw, Scotland, from 1st to 3rd November. Eight North West Spirit Taekwondo fighters took part, and we’re proud to say that every one of them won a medal. Not only that, but seven of them are coming home as World Champions!
Our 8 fighters won 19 medals: 11 gold, 5 silver and 3 bronze! The overall GTI England team won 29 medals: 14 gold, 8 silver and 7 bronze.
Well done to the whole GTI team on their success! The atmosphere at the competition was fantastic and the GTI team spirit was incredible!
Massive thanks to all our coaches & supporters, including everyone who supported our team’s fundraising efforts in the run up to the event. It’s the teamwork that makes the dream work!
Our team in the Liverpool Echo, 15/11/2019
RESULTS: 2019 World ITF Taekwondo Championships
Owen Gargan
GOLD Sparring GOLD Special Technique GOLD Team Sparring BRONZE Patterns
Nikola Kliza
GOLD Sparring SILVER Patterns
Kaden Springer
GOLD Sparring GOLD Team Sparing
Alan Johnson
GOLD Sparring
Callum Edwards
GOLD Sparring GOLD Team Sparring
Connor Murphy
GOLD Team Sparring SILVER Sparring
Sandra Baldwin
SILVER Team Sparring BRONZE Sparring BRONZE Patterns
Stef Davies
GOLD Sparring SILVER Patterns SILVER Team Sparring
The 2019 GTI National Open was held in Cheltenham on 22nd September. Seven of our North West Spirit Taekwondo fighters competed against some tough opposition, and they all did us proud!
Our 7 fighters won 9 medals: 6 gold and 3 bronze!
Special congratulations to brothers Owen and Olly Gargan, who both fought extremely well to take gold in their junior sparring divisions.
Thank you to everyone who helped with coaching and supporting our team!
Our fighters had a fantastic day at the BUTL UK Open on 6th July! We had 14 students taking part and every one of them did us proud with their performances. And everyone won a medal!
The final count was 25 medals: 10 gold, 7 silver & 8 bronze!
Thanks to all our coaches and supporters, who showed awesome team spirit, as always! And thank you to everyone at BUTL for organising such an enjoyable event.